Monday, December 05, 2005

the setting sun

I welcome natural disasters. Now - don't get me wrong, I hate seeing the loss of innocent lives.

What I mean is, everytime a hurricane hits, or an earthquake shatters a city, I hope that the people watching it on CSPAN or CNN or whatever will think to themselves, "Wow - we humans are a part of a big world."

But no - humans are arrogant, stupid creatures. Our population has grown unchecked, our expansion into nature has not slowed one bit. We are the only animals on this planet dumb enough to assume we can exist without the presence of the other creatures. We poison snails so our flowers will look prettier. We kill flying insects so they won't bother us, as we sit on our front porches sipping iced tea (never to mind the fact that these insects are responsible for our flowers growing). We kill birds, so they won't bother our lovely flowers.

All so we can be happier.

All so we can enjoy a man-made nature, devoid of anything natural.

Humanity is a plague - we devour and destroy, and give nothing in return. We, as a species, have the unspoken "understanding" that this world was put here for us. We believe that we are the highest form of life on earth - the birds and bees were placed here solely for our benefit. Our religious texts tell us so.
We consume and destroy with no thought as to how this effects the other creatures around us.
We devour the flesh of animals killed for our enjoyment. We slaughter millions of insects, so we don't have to endure their existence.

So, I propose - why not just kill off the poor and fragile? Why deal with the crippled and moneyless? Just kill 'em all. Because - this world obviously wasn't created for them, right?
We are the chosen ones. Right? The planet earth was created solely for us - fuck 'em all.
Survival of the fittest - or at least, the richest - right?

It's our own false form of natural selection.

But guess what - this planet will outlive all of us. Someday, it will be rid of the plague that is humanity - be it by a meteor or some other catastrophic event (my guess is we'll kill each other off).
My only hope is that a handful of people actually stop to enjoy the beauty this planet has provided us, before it's all taken away - before all the fields of beautiful green, animals frolicking in the grass, blue skies painting our world perfectly - before it's all gone and replaced with war-zones and mini-malls.

Give me convenience or give me death.

Embrace our differences - humans come in many shapes and sizes and personalities. Love the fact that each of us are different, before we all become gray and shapeless, and completely devoid of personality.

Paris Hilton be damned.

I'm afraid of the world we're heading towards, and can only hope my end comes long before we reach our tragic ending - a rock filled with fools, hurtling towards a catastrophic end of our own creation.

God bless America.