Sunday, November 04, 2007

when i say niggy you say nuthin

Just a quick post, as I ponder what time it is, or is supposed to be right now.

Check out Saul Williams' latest album, The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust. Not only is it an excellent album, featuring Williams' great poetry along with producer Trent Reznor's wall-of-noise approach, but it's a giant middle finger to the music industry.
get it here

They decided to release the album for free, or for $5 if you want a higher bitrate version. Both downloads come with full liner notes (in PDF).

I suggest getting it; It's actually a very interesting (I thoroughly enjoyed it) hip-hop album, with just a hint of Trent's industrial noise. Ok, more than a hint. But it's like nine in nails, but with hip-hop. But better than I just made that sound.

Hopefully more artists will follow the lead set forth by Saul (with Trent) and Radiohead. I feel dirty buying cd's from major labels, knowing that I'm just making some executive rich - I'd rather have a system like this, where the money is going straight to the artists.

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