Friday, October 14, 2005

beginning of a story (mayhap i'll finish this one... mayhap)

Image from PostSecret

James sat at the bar, focusing intently on the drink sitting before him. The imperfect cubes of ice, floating in the light brown fluid, the flickering lights from the nearby television dancing on the surface of the drink, the din of the crowd around him just background noise, completely ignored.

He didn’t even notice the man come in through the heavy oak door. Didn’t notice him quickly take the seat next to him. He didn’t notice how this man, wearing a felt hat and long grey coat that were out of place in the summer heat outside, didn’t stop at any of the stools closer to the door – but instead, made his way directly to the one next to James. James also didn’t notice how the man never took his eyes off of him, or how his wrinkled hands reached deep into his coat pocket, pulled out an envelope, and slid it next to James’ drink. Deep in thought, staring blankly into his whiskey, James didn’t see the man at all – not even as he got up and left, stopping at the door, glancing once more at James, before disappearing into the blinding light of the outside world.

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