Friday, October 14, 2005

[title here]

Instead of writing something of substance - a story, whether short or long in form, a poem, a song - hell, a description of an album, or a half-assed review of a movie, I am here. Writing this - a blog no one will ever read (hehe - perhaps saying that will thusly negate it, and become a topic of much regard).

I need to do something - create something. But, writing here is so very easy. I mean, I sit down, start typing some random crap (i'll have a blue christmas...) and just keep going, with the freedom of knowing that it is pretty much just me shouting at the ocean, my words lost among the screams of the waves.

Yep - I should be doing something more productive with my time. But - perhaps this is productive? Just dumping all the excess thoughts out of my brain, and leaving only that which is of worth (oh god - I think I hear an echo in there.....).

It's funny - I think I have writer's block. Most people - mostly non-writers, I guess - think writer's block means you can't think of anything to write (and, sometimes, that is true, I guess I guess). For me, though, and for many writers I've heard speak or read interviews of/from (insert correct usage there), writer's block means this: You can come up with millions of ideas, and write until your hands bleed - but it won't be any good. It'll sound - at least to the writer him or herself - contrived and forced and... well, bad. Just bad.

That's where I am now (not that I consider myself a writer, mind you - for that, I would have had to write something that either A. was longer than 20 paged (my current best), or B. have been read by more than half a dozen people).

Now, run off, chillun, and listen to, in no particular order:
Old 97's
Sufjan Stevens
the Moon is a Cookie (free music here!!!!)
Son, Ambulance

that's it for now - that's your homework assignment.
Some great bands to listen to there....

Now, I'm going to take some of my crap ideas, put them to paper, and then cry uncontrollably when I read back through them, and realize that they are, indeed, crap. sigh

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